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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

103rd Novena Schedule

Liturgy Minutes: 07/06/2010

Liturgy Minutes: 07/06/2010
Place: Rectory Dining Room
Minutes taken by: Janet Gerkin Chavez
Meeting Time: 7:10 pm

Fr. Ray Reyes
Fr. Marvin Felipe
Freda Motak – Chair
Amy Glenn – Music Director
Frank Chen
Jan Trusty
Ken Del Ponte
Janet Gerkin Chavez

Sr. Mary Peter
Tony Ramos
Sharon Ramos
Leslie Martins
Tom Martin
Josie Contreras

Opening Prayer
Review of Liturgy Minutes for 6/15/10 1. Fr. Ted and three (3) other Redemtorist priests will lead the Novena
2. The price for the Novena ad in the Catholic San Francisco newspaper was $400 rather than $450

Upcoming Liturgical Events 1. Novena to Good St. Anne-
a. The beautiful banner announcing the Novena was made in the Philippines. The cost was only $20. A copy of the banner will be published in the Catholic San Francisco newspaper and posted on St. Anne’s Web site.

b. Jan Trusty’s husband, Lee, will head up the parking attendants for the 7/24 Solemn Mass and Procession. He will be assisted by Jerry, Ken and volunteers from Bishop Riordan High School.

c. Post cards were not mailed out.

d. Fr. Ted has not replied yet to emails requesting the themes for the Novena Masses and a prayer for the candles to be sold.

e. Church cleaning will be Sat., July 17. Edith Andaya is in charge. Lunch will follow. Jan Trusty suggested that the banners be hung this weekend rather than on the 17th.

f. Freda read from last year’s minutes. This year’s Novena schedule will parallel last year’s:
T, 7/20 – reconciliation after all Masses.
Th, 7/22 – visit to the homebound
F, 7/23 – anointing of the sick

g. Reception following the Solemn Mass and procession 7/24

h. Confraternity of St. Anne members will distribute St. Anne’s prayer and petitions at all Novena Masses.

i. There will be hospitality after each 7:00 pm weekday Mass

j. Prayers of the Faithful during the 7/24 Solemn Mass. Amy suggested not singing the response during the weekday Masses.

k. Programs will list the priests and ministers for each Mass. Except for the program for the Solemn Mass and Procession the programs will be black and white for easy and affordable copying since people tend to take the program with them when they leave and the hymns to be sung will be in the missal. There will be a special Novena program for the Saturday events. The cover will feature the image on the banner.

Discussed the order of Saturday’s procession. Trumpets and choir will be in front followed by the Blessed Sacrament, banners, priests, congregation. The choir will sing familiar refrains. Ken Trouche and Jerry Di Ryen will carry their usual banners.

l. St. Anne Candles - $4 each

Jan said there are 54 prayer shawls which can be distributed during the services.

Post cards will be available on the tables near the church entrances and a notice to send postcards to friends and relatives will be in the Sunday bulletin; Fr. Ray will try to reproduce the post cards that were used last year and mail them out by this Friday. The Immaculate Heart radio announcement will start 7/15 or 7/16.

Amy has gone ahead and prepared a schedule of hymns and music based on the themes of comfort and healing; reconciliation and petition/prayer. Ken provided a prayer to St. Anne which will be used for the candles.

Ken will put an insert requesting volunteers to help with the cleaning in this Sunday’s bulletin. Amy asked that the choir section be cleaned because the floor is often sticky. Amy mentioned that she is arranging for repair of the piano because the keys sometimes stick. She is a certified piano tech and will try to do it herself or have Frank French do it.
This schedule is subject to Fr. Ted’s approval.

The same committee that hosted Fr. John’s 50th anniversary reception will be asked to work on this reception. Fr. Ray will invite the members of that committee to participate.

Confirm with Sr. Mary Peter

Bea Wirth will ask each Ministry to host one evening’s hospitality.

Freda and Frank will contact native-speaking parishioners who will give the prayers in their native language. English translations of these prayers will be in the program.

Jan Trust will arrange for 1 EM and 1 lector for each of the Masses to be on standby in case there are not a sufficient number of priests at the Mass.

Frank and Freda will check their notes from last year re the order of the procession and Freda will have some of the Riordan volunteers carry some banners. Freda will check with Tony Ramos re availability of the ushers or the Riordan volunteers could handle the collection. Fr. Marvin will contact the altar server coordinators to recruit servers for all of the Masses.

Jan Trusty will assemble her group to assemble the candles with the printed prayer. Fr. Ray will print St. Anne’s prayer on labels which will be attached to the candles. Jan Trusty will make two (2) signs – one for each table where the candles will be sold.

Freda will give the prayer shawls to Sr. Mary Peter to be distributed to the confraternity members who will distribute the programs and petition slips.

2. Feast of the Assumption – 8/15/10 – Sunday – regular Mass schedule
Announcements 1. St. Anne’s Web site – Amy has a music blog which will be a link on this site. It will be accessible to choir members and musicians.
2. Dress Code – Frank did a great job in creating the Dress Code Do’s and Don’ts. Jan Trusty said it is posted in the sacristy. Freda said we should take the initiative of gently talking to any EM, Lector, Usher or Greeter whom we deem to be inappropriately dressed. Fr. Ray said we could be a little more lenient with the altar servers since they are currently on summer vacation and may dress a little more casually than they would during the school year.

3. White Zone – will be enforced beginning 9/1

4. Fr. Ray’s sabbatical starts 9/7.

5. Freda announced the Kid Stock fund raiser will be at 2:00 7/11 in Moriarty Hall.

6. One of our altar servers, Lindzee, will compete in the National Junior Olympics the first week of August in Norfolk, VA
7. Amy suggested that the closing song should be announced by the commentator at the end of the announcements and before the final prayer and blessing. Fr. Ray said that Tessie needs to be informed of what is to be included in the commentator notes since she compiles them. Fr. Ray suggested that the announcement of the communion song be eliminated – just start the music. Fr. Marvin said that the celebrant should be informed if there are additional announcements before the final blessing. 1. Fr. Ray suggested that each ministry could have its own blog on the Web site. Amy suggested that this should be an open blog so that anyone can post on it.
2. The music blog is at http://stannemusicministries.blogspot.com
3. Frank will create the Liturgy Ministry blog. Our meeting agenda, minutes, etc. can be posted on it. This may eliminate the necessity of emailing these materials.

Ken has created a warning notice to be placed under the windshield blade of those cars which park in the white zone in front of the church. They will be located in the gift shop. Greeters and ushers should place one on the those cars they see parked in the white zone. The notice will be included in the Sunday bulletin as well
Fr. Marvin will be in charge of pastoral and liturgical matters. Fr. Jerry will be here to help out.

Congratulations to Lindzee on such a great achievement!
Closing Prayer Ken Del Ponte
Next Meeting September 2 – farewell to Fr. Ray
Adjourned 8:50 pm by Freda

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dress Code for Female Eucharistic Ministers

Full length or calf-length slacks
Skirts or dresses should be knee length
Dress or casual blouse/shirt
Blouse should have modest neckline and cover bra straps
Dress shoes
Casual Shoes

Logo or slogan shirts
Tennis shoes
Flip flops
Facial piercings

Dress Code for Male Eucharistic Ministers

Suit, Coat, Tie
Collared Shirt
Polo Shirt
Dress Slacks
New or new-like jeans if not torn, faded, or holes
Dress shoes
Casual Shoes

Logo or slogan shirts
Jeans that are faded or torn
Tennis shoes
Flip flops
Facial piercings

Minutes from June 15, 2010

Liturgy Minutes 6/15/10

Place: Rectory Dining Room

Minutes taken by: Janet Gerkin Chavez

Meeting Time: 7:12 pm






Fr. Marvin Felipe


Freda Motak, Chair


Fr. Ray Reyes


Jan Trusty


Janet Gerkin Chavez


Amy Glenn, Music Director

X Leslie Martins X Frank Chen

X Josie Contreras, Environment X Tony and Sharon Ramos

X Seminarian Tom Martin X Sister Mary Peter




Opening Prayer

Seminarian Tom Martin

Review of Minutes –4/27/10 for corrections

Correct spelling of names of Bobbie Galang and Mena Wong

No additional corrections

Past Liturgical Events

Mother’s Day – Due to the cost of purchasing medals the form of recognition of those mothers present at the 9:00 and 10:30 Masses was changed to a special prayer and sheet cake after Mass


No discussion


Next year we should be more prepared to honor those who received the sacraments of initiation. Certificates should be handed out on Pentecost Sunday at the 10:30 Mass. The initiates should be brought up to the altar and individually introduced and presented to the parish as Fr. Ray practiced this year.

Upcoming Liturgical Events

Father’s Day, June 20–

The same form of recognition given to mothers on Mother’s Day will be given to the fathers present at the 9:00 and 10:30 Masses – a special prayer and blessing and a sheet cake after Mass.

103rd St. Anne’s Novena, July 18 – July 26-

The theme is Prayer. Fr. Ted and two other Redemptorist priests will lead the novena. They will develop daily themes.


Sun, July 18 – 9:00 and 10:30

July 19-23 – 8:45, 2:30 and 7:00pm

Sat, July 24 – 10:00

Sun, July 25 – 9:00 and 10:30; picnic at noon at Mother’s Meadow, Golden Gate Park – the space has been reserved

July 26 – Feast Day

Freda read the minutes from the liturgy meeting after last year’s Novena.

Promotion will include mailing of post cards to parishioners; leaflet in Sunday bulletin; information on our Web site; ad in the Catholic San Francisco (perhaps – cost is $450); ad on Catholic Radio

St. Anne’s candles will be sold for $4 each. Selling of candles was profitable last year.

The July 24 procession will include the Boy Scouts and the Knights of Columbus. Reviewed the list of ten (10) banners to be used in the procession – included St. Anne’s Dance & Exercise Class; Religious Education Program; Youth Ministry; Boy Scout Troop and Cub Pack; Music Ministry; Liturgical Ministries

July 17 – cleaning of the church and putting up of banners

Amy asked for a schedule of the themes in order to prepare the appropriate music. In the meantime Amy will focus on the theme of prayer. Fr. Ray will send these minutes to Fr. Ted and explain that the liturgy committee is very interested in learning of the daily themes of prayer.

Bea is planning hospitality to be held after the 7:00 pm Mass during the week.

Hymn to St. Anne to be sung before the 9:30, 10:00, 8:45 and 2:00 services.

Fr. Ray will ask Bobbie Galang to create the programs.

Jan Trusty will prepare sign-up sheets for 1 lector and 1 EM for each service.

Tom will coordinate the mailing of the post cards by July 1. Tessie will print the mailing labels. Tom asked for a copy of the post card used last year. Tom thinks the ad on Catholic Radio is free. He will look into it.

The prayer that will be attached to the candles will be obtained from Fr. Ted.

Jan Trusty will make/fix the banners. Fr. Ray will invite the Knights of Columbus and Freda will invite the Boy Scouts.


White Zone – the permit for the white zone in front of the church has been renewed at a cost of $750. It has become necessary to take aggressive action in keeping the white zone available for loading and unloading those people attending services. Vehicles which bring our elderly and disabled parishioners do not have a safe place to disembark and pick up these people. About a month ago a parishioner required 911assistance. The rescue vehicle was in the middle of the street, unable to park in the white zone. During June Ken del Ponte will put warning notices on the windshields of cars parked in the white zone. Announcements will be in the Sunday bulletins and a warning will be read by the commentators before Mass that beginning July 1 any cars illegally parked in the white zone will be ticketed and/or towed. Jan Trusty suggested having someone posted outside before the Masses to guard against parking in the white zone. The phone number of DPT will be given to ushers and greeters.

Dress Code – Freda received an email from Fr. Ray forwarding a complaint from a parishioner about an EM who wore a mini skirt. Freda contacted the archdiocese to ask about the availability of a standard dress code. She received a set of guidelines from Patrick Valdez Kelly, Director of the Office of Worship. In general it is up to the pastor of each church to set the guidelines for his church. Jan Trust suggested just noting what cannot be worn. Tony said you would dress well to go to a party, so why not to church? Tom remembers dressing up to go downtown when he was a youngster. Fr. Ray expressed reluctance to be too restrictive on the altar servers, especially during the summer when the kids don’t have to wear their school uniforms and have more freedom to dress how they like. Tom said that the church is a place of reverence and respect and the kids should be respectful in their dress.

Jan Trusty said that something should be said to those EMs and lectors who are not properly dressed.

Noise before Mass – Tom brought up how distracting to those who want to pray loud talking in the sacristy is. Fr. Ray said that the EMs and lectors should wait in the sacristy after signing in but they should be considerate of others and keep their voices down or perhaps help the greeters in welcoming those entering the church. Jan Trusty suggested that the sign-up book could be in the vestibule and that the EMs and lectors would wait in the vestibule after signing in.

Tom said the procedure should stay as it is now but that those waiting in the sacristy should be as quiet as possible.

Miscellaneous – Janet Gerkin Chavez can make name tags for anyone who wants one.

Freda said Tom suggested that a refresher class for EMs and lectors be held. Freda suggested a meeting for new EMs. Fr. Ray would like to see two (2) meetings a year for all ministries.

Tom congratulated the parish for coming together to make Fr. John’s Mass and reception a success. He praised Freda for coordinating a wonderful and jubilant celebration. Thanks will be announced next Sunday.

Freda offered a special prayer for Leslie Martins and for the men and women

and lectors

Freda will write the announcement for the commentators. Janet Gerkin Chavez will print cards with the phone number of DPT and distribute them to the greeters and to Tony Ramos to give to the ushers.

Frank will prepare a chart of what type of clothing is approved and dis-approved for EMs, lectors and ushers.

Starting July 1 the Ems and lectors will sign in and wait in the vestibule.

Closing Prayer

Next Meeting

Freda led the closing prayer and included a prayer for the recovery of Leslie Martins and our military men and women and all those in the Prayer Circles.

Tuesday, July 6, at 7:00 in the rectory dining room

Meeting Adjourned at 9:00 p.m.